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Pay it forward: help fund more intern stipends in 2025!

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SPEL interns and fellows in the D.C. area visited the "¡Presente! A Latino History of the United States" exhibition at the National Museum of American History
During the 2024 summer semester, SPEL interns and fellows in the D.C. area visited the “¡Presente! A Latino History of the United States,” an exhibition at the National Museum of the American Latino

In 2024, we provided work experience, mentorship and professional training to nearly four dozen interns between the ages of 16 and 25 through our Storytelling Program for Experiential Learning (SPEL). Yet we’re only able to pay a weekly stipend to less than half of them. 

In 2025, we’d like to do more for our devoted, passionate crew of interns. But to do that, we need your help.

January Stipend Replenishment Challenge!

Each donation will count double!

We’re asking for your help to grow our 2025 stipend budget. Thanks to an anonymous donor, during the entire month of January, every dollar you donate will be doubled up to $1,000.

Donations large and small will help us reach our goal, so please give now.

  • Every $20 donation will fund one weekly stipend for one intern. This small stipend opens big opportunities. It can cover key expenses such as transportation and other incidentals, removing a barrier that could prevent an intern from reporting a story that matters to them.
  • A $100 gift will pay for five weeks of stipends for one intern

If you can give more, you can have an even greater impact.

  • A $300 donation will fund weekly stipends for one intern for the entire spring 2025 semester
  • An $800 gift will support one intern with a year of weekly stipends
  • Or become a monthly supporter. By giving just $20 a month, your donation will go directly to fund one weekly stipend each month. An $80 monthly contribution would fund one intern for an entire month.

Through your generosity, we can meet our goal and provide 100 additional stipends to SPEL interns in 2025. Please help us pay it forward to the next generation!