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D.C.’s Latine Mural Stories |
Las Historias de los Murales Latinos de D.C.


Murals connect us to even the most distant stranger, whether we know it or not. For over a decade here at Hola Cultura, we have been chronicling D.C.’s Latine murals, their history and importance in the evolution of our community and the District’s unique culture. We invite you to check out these stories and projects.

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Featured Projects

Unity Mural in 2024

Saving the Unity Mural

The faded colors of the Unity Mural are evidence of its longstanding presence on the wall of the Pepco substation in Adams Morgan. One of the oldest still-existing street murals in all of D.C., the Unity Mural is an example of how Latine art and activism came together in the community.

Read our update on Pepco’s plans to demolish this historic mural. Find out how you can get involved in preserving this piece of D.C. Latine history.

Screenshot of D.C. Latine murals map

D.C. Latine Murals Map

Many Latine murals across D.C. have been destroyed or are at risk of being destroyed as the District redevelops and gentrification advances. Hola Cultura interns used an Esri mapping app to document these murals and share their stories.

Explore the murals map.

Graffiti on the blended building in D.C.

Special Issue:

Our special issue on D.C.’s Latine murals features historic photos of the District’s lost murals, the stories behind some of the most beloved D.C. Latine public art and an overview of our murals map.

Check out the special issue.

Webumentary: Muralism

Muralism D.C.
D.C. Muralismo

This short webumentary on D.C.’s rich Latine mural making tradition documents murals on the streets of the nation’s capital. It chronicles the history of Latine mural making in interviews with artists and other experts.

Watch the webumentary.

Adams Morgan tour in August 2018

Murals History & Culture Tours

Discover beautiful Latine murals created by local D.C. artists. On one of our bus or walking tours, you'll learn about D.C.'s rich Latine history and the legacy of community building through the arts.

View the murals tours brochure for more information.

Media Coverage

WETA Arts Program Feature

In October 2024, Hola Cultura's work was featured in the local PBS program, WETA Arts. The program's host, Felicia Curry, toured the city in search of Latine murals, learning about their significance to local communities and our efforts to save the Unity Mural.

Watch the program and learn more about WETA Arts.

WTOP Radio Feature

Hola Cultura's work was also featured by WTOP News in October 2024. The article highlighted our current effort to save the Unity Mural and our interactive murals map documenting the past and present Latine murals throughout D.C.

Listen to the WTOP coverage.

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Aunque no lo sepamos, los murales nos conectan con el extraño más lejano. Durante mas de una decada Hola Cultura se ha dedicado a crear una crónica de los murales latinos en D.C. enfocada en capturar su historia e importancia en la evolución de nuestra comunidad y la cultura única de nuestro distrito. Te invitamos a ver nuestras historias y proyectos.

Proyectos Destacados   •   Buscar Artículos

Proyectos Destacados

Unity Mural in 2024

Salvando el Mural de la Unidad

Los colores desteñidos del Unity Mural son evidencia de su importante presencia en la pared de la subestación de Pepco en Adams Morgan. Es uno de los murales callejeros más antiguos que existen en todo D.C. El Unity Mural es un ejemplo de como el arte y el activismo Latino se unieron en la comunidad.

Lee nuestras noticias sobre los planes de Pepco para demoles este mural histórico. Averigüe cómo puede participar en en la preservación de esta pieza importante de la historia latina en D.C.

Screenshot of D.C. Latine murals map

Mapa de Murales Latinos en D.C.

Muchos murales Latinos en D.C. corren el riesgo de ser destruidos o han sido destruidos a medida que el Distrito se reurbaniza y avanza la gentrificación. Los practicantes en Hola Cultura han documentado los murales y sus historias con la ayuda de la aplicación de mapeo Esri.

Explora el mapa de murales.

Graffiti on the blended building in D.C.

Edición Especial: Murales

Nuestra edición especial sobre los murales latinos en D.C. presenta fotos historicas de los murales perdidos del distrito, las historia detras de algunas de las piezas màs queridas del arte latino público de D.C., y una vista general de nuestro mapa de murales.

Descubre nuestra edición especial.

Webumentary: Muralism

Muralism D.C.
D.C. Muralismo

Este breve webumentario sobre la rica tradición de creación de murales latinos de D.C. documenta murales en las calles de la capital de la nación. Narra la historia de la creación de murales latinos a través de entrevistas con artistas y expertos.

Mira el webumentario.

Adams Morgan tour in August 2018

Tours de Historia y Cultura

Descubre los hermosos murales Latinos creados por artistas de D.C. en uno de nuestros recorridos en autobus o a pié donde aprenderás sobre la rica historia latina en D.C. y el legado de la comunidad a través de las artes.

Para más información vea los folletos de nuestros toures de murales.

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Felicia Curry, host of WETA Arts, talks with Christine MacDonald, Hola Cultura's executive director, and Yoana Reyes-Zapata, organizational communications fellow, about our efforts to save the Unity Mural (screenshot taken from the program)

Efforts to save the Unity Mural gain local media attention

Did you catch the Unity Mural on WETA last week? Perhaps you heard our interview...
Section of the Unity Mural with the names of who participated in its creation

The Unity Mural: a D.C. Latine time capsule in need of preservation

Help us save the Unity Mural! One of the oldest still-existing street murals in all...
Ligia Williams (center) with her daughter Erika Becker-Medina (right) and Becker-Medina’s two children who attend D.C. Public Schools. (Photo taken in 2022, courtesy of Becker-Medina)

Si no se actúa pronto, el Mural de la Unidad será demolido en 2025

Read in English. Aunque la capital de la nación sea conocida por sus monumentos históricos...
Mural artist Doa Oa and one of her murals located at the NYX Hotel Madrid

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Whenever I come across a mural, I inevitably have to take a moment to admire...
Unity Mural in 2024

Without action, the Unity Mural will be demolished in 2025

Leer en español. While the nation’s capital may be known for historical monuments made from...
Mural: Washington Amordazado. 2

Vandalismo Corporativo

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Pan American Unity Mural

Obra maestra de grandes proporciones

Después de cuatro años de planificación logística y mucha papelería de por medio, el monumental...

Before and After series

Today in our Before & After series, we said goodbye to the mural on 14th...