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D.C. Latino Parades through the years

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Fiesta DC Latino Festival

Dominican dancers on Mt. Pleasant Street NW at 2009 Fiesta DC



Check out the DC Latino History Map

Annual Hispanic Festival and Parade passes along Mt. Pleasant St. NW. The Grand Marshall this year is an undocumented carpente


CRinParadeFiesta DC Returns to Mt. Pleasant

Above parades in 1971, 1987, 1981, and 2006, respectively. More El Barrio Especial posts on the right + photos in the Gallery-Galería.


Presidentes del  FESTIVAL LATINO 1971-1991

Nombre                                                            País                                      Año

Rutilio del Riego                                             España                                1971

Carlos Rosario                                                 Puerto Rico                        1972

Luis Vidaña                                                       Cuba                                    1973

Carlos Rosario                                                 Puerto Rico                        1974

Pedro Lujan                                                      Perú                                     1975

Sonia Gutiérrez                                               Puerto Rico                        1976

Pedro Lujan                                                      Perú                                     1977

Marcela Dávila                                                Puerto Rico                        1978

Ana Villagra                                                     Chile                                    1979

José Gutiérrez                                                 Puerto Rico                        1980

Marina Félix                                                     Puerto Rico                        1981

Enrique Rivera                                                 Puerto Rico                        1982

Enrique Rivera                                                 Puerto Rico                        1983

María Socorro Bueno                                    El Salvador                         1984

María Socorro Bueno                                    El Salvador                         1985

Eduardo Perdomo                                          Colombia                            1986

Eduardo Perdomo                                          Colombia                            1987

Arturo Griffiths                                                Panamá                              1988

Arturo Griffiths                                                Panamá                              1989

Arturo Griffiths                                                Panamá                              1990

Eduardo Perdomo                                          Colombia                            1991