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Main cast members in the film Emilia Pérez

Emilia Pérez: The most controversial film of the year?

Director Jacques Audiard’s film, “Emilia Pérez,” skyrocketed to success after its release last November. But after winning multiple Golden Globe......
Filming a scene in "Reinas" with sisters Aurora and Lucia

Movie review: “Reinas,” a story about separation and reconnection

The film “Reinas” (Queens) takes place in Lima, Peru, in the 1990s, when the country was going through a civil......
Pedro Páramo libro

El retorno de Pedro Páramo

Reseña de Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo...
Picture of a stage with a stool and mic lit by a spotlight

Stand Up comedy – a la moda

Con el afán de no ver televisión, pues ha llegado a niveles de vulgaridad insoportables, por los últimos años antes......
El gabinete de las curiosidades de Guillermo del Toro 3

El gabinete de las curiosidades de Guillermo del Toro

La serie “El gabinete de las curiosidades” es una antología de pequeñas historias extrañas, ocho filmes de una hora producidos......
Screenshot from the documentary “Las Muertes Más Bellas del Mundo”

Documentary uses art to explore the making of D.C.’s Salvadorian community

Quique Avilés, a Salvadorian American poet and artist, arrived in the U.S. from El Salvador at age 15 and witnessed......
Part of the graphic novel "Miles Morales: Stranger Tides," written by Justin Reynolds and illustrated by Pablo Leon

Miles Morales: El impacto y evolución de un fenómeno afrolatino de Marvel

*Read in English. A pesar de su popularidad entre el público, los superhéroes afroamericanos y latinos han sido poco utilizados.......
Bus stop on 16th St NW in D.C.'s Adams Morgan neighborhood (photo by HC staff)

Miles Morales: The impact and evolution of a Marvel Afro Latino phenomenon

*Leer en español. Despite their popularity with audiences, African American and Latino superheroes have been seen yet underutilized. But one......
Scene from "This Is Me…Now: A Love Story" starring Jennifer Lopez (courtesy of Amazon Prime)

Review: J-Lo’s new musical film is an ode to self-love

Whether you know her as Jennifer Lopez, J-Lo or “Jenny from the Block,” you’d have to be living under a......
El Conde, filme de Pablo Larrain 1

El Conde en blanco y negro

Reseña del filme "El Conde" de 2023...
gala film festival 2023

Concluye ciclo de filmes en GALA

“Víctimas del pecado”. Gala film festival 2023...
Hannah Müssemann - Artistas in the Capital

How telenovelas influence us and our collective memory

The telenovela is “a Latin American cultural phenomenon,” says German-Latina researcher Hannah Müssemann, that reaches entire households worldwide, winning over......