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Spring interns and fellows gather for a weekly SPEL session on Zoom

SPEL storytellers start the spring 2025 session!

After another lengthy and chilly winter, Hola Cultura’s interns begin the Storytelling Program for Experiential Learning’s (SPEL) spring semester! The......
Litio novela CU

Litio- novela contemporánea

El Litio es uno de esos minerales muy de moda hoy en día, dado que da energía a los automóviles......
Recording interviews for ArteVoce at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in D.C.

ArteVoces coming in April!

Direct from the podcast room last Friday at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in downtown D.C., we wrapped......
Abuelas revolucionarias 1

El Legado de las abuelitas

Felicidades a las mujeres del mundo que protestaron, marcharon y se involucraron en la lucha por la libertad y los......
Mural from the Cathédrale Sainte Trinité (Holy Trinity Cathedral). Both the mural and the church were destroyed in the 2010 earthquake.

Catch “Spirit and Strength: Modern Art From Haiti” at the National Gallery of Art before it closes

Amid the gray stone walls of the East Building at the National Gallery of Art, the exhibition “Spirit and Strength:......
Main cast members in the film Emilia Pérez

Emilia Pérez: The most controversial film of the year?

Director Jacques Audiard’s film, “Emilia Pérez,” skyrocketed to success after its release last November. But after winning multiple Golden Globe......
Graphic: Celebrate Afro-Latinidad this Black History Month (music instrument mash up background)

Events and activities to celebrate Afro-Latinidad this Black History Month

Founded in 1926 and initially a week-long celebration, Black History Month honors Black communities’ rich legacies and achievements. This observance......
Palmera 1

A bordo – poema

Buen lunes. Esperamos se encuentren bien, un abrazo bien grande a todos, sin distinción de ningún tipo. En esta ocasion......
Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry VI

Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry  VI

Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry VI...
Manuel Oliver in his one-man show, GUAC

‘This is our reality’: How the one-man show “GUAC” turns grief into action

What do you do when you lose a son? What do you do when you lose a son to gun......
ArteVoces artists Upper left to right: ceramic artist Noelle Zambrano, textile artist Aynex Mercado and ceramicist Mia Angel Bottom left to right: sculptor Rachel Dickerson, muralist Lulo and street photographer Guayi Fernandez

Meet the artists of the new ArteVoces series!

Six local artists representing four different art forms will share their personal and artistic journeys in Hola Cultura’s latest artist......
El Alfabeto Magico 2

El alfabeto mágico – reseña

Escrita en primera persona “El alfabeto mágico” es la historia de un joven mexicano de la clase media de Ixmiquilpan......
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Spring interns and fellows gather for a weekly SPEL session on Zoom

SPEL storytellers start the spring 2025 session!

After another lengthy and chilly winter, Hola Cultura’s interns begin the Storytelling Program for Experiential Learning’s (SPEL) spring semester! The......
Recording interviews for ArteVoce at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in D.C.

ArteVoces coming in April!

Direct from the podcast room last Friday at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in downtown D.C., we wrapped......
Mural from the Cathédrale Sainte Trinité (Holy Trinity Cathedral). Both the mural and the church were destroyed in the 2010 earthquake.

Catch “Spirit and Strength: Modern Art From Haiti” at the National Gallery of Art before it closes

Amid the gray stone walls of the East Building at the National Gallery of Art, the exhibition “Spirit and Strength:......
Main cast members in the film Emilia Pérez

Emilia Pérez: The most controversial film of the year?

Director Jacques Audiard’s film, “Emilia Pérez,” skyrocketed to success after its release last November. But after winning multiple Golden Globe......
Graphic: Celebrate Afro-Latinidad this Black History Month (music instrument mash up background)

Events and activities to celebrate Afro-Latinidad this Black History Month

Founded in 1926 and initially a week-long celebration, Black History Month honors Black communities’ rich legacies and achievements. This observance......
Palmera 1

A bordo – poema

Buen lunes. Esperamos se encuentren bien, un abrazo bien grande a todos, sin distinción de ningún tipo. En esta ocasion......
Manuel Oliver in his one-man show, GUAC

‘This is our reality’: How the one-man show “GUAC” turns grief into action

What do you do when you lose a son? What do you do when you lose a son to gun......
ArteVoces artists Upper left to right: ceramic artist Noelle Zambrano, textile artist Aynex Mercado and ceramicist Mia Angel Bottom left to right: sculptor Rachel Dickerson, muralist Lulo and street photographer Guayi Fernandez

Meet the artists of the new ArteVoces series!

Six local artists representing four different art forms will share their personal and artistic journeys in Hola Cultura’s latest artist......
Members of Orquesta Manplesa

Orquesta Manplesa’s salsa para la gente (for the people)

It’s no coincidence that D.C.’s newest salsa band, Orquesta Manplesa, shares a name with La Manplesa, the unofficial Hispanic neighborhood......
Filming a scene in "Reinas" with sisters Aurora and Lucia

Movie review: “Reinas,” a story about separation and reconnection

The film “Reinas” (Queens) takes place in Lima, Peru, in the 1990s, when the country was going through a civil......
Graphic of a woman doing yoga outdoors

María Elena Montero on cultivating wellness for “the mind, body and spirit”

January is National Staying Healthy Month not to mention those New Year’s resolutions and newer traditions like Dry January.......

Pay it forward: help fund more intern stipends in 2025!

In 2024, we provided work experience, mentorship and professional training to nearly four dozen interns between the ages of 16......
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Litio novela CU

Litio- novela contemporánea

El Litio es uno de esos minerales muy de moda hoy en día, dado que da energía a los automóviles......
Abuelas revolucionarias 1

El Legado de las abuelitas

Felicidades a las mujeres del mundo que protestaron, marcharon y se involucraron en la lucha por la libertad y los......
Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry VI

Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry  VI

Simetría Citadina | City Symmetry VI...
El Alfabeto Magico 2

El alfabeto mágico – reseña

Escrita en primera persona “El alfabeto mágico” es la historia de un joven mexicano de la clase media de Ixmiquilpan......
Photo from the 2025 exhibition of the artwork of Felix Gonzalez Torres at the National Portrait Gallery

Felix González Torres en la Galería Nacional de Retratos

Afirman los artistas que un retrato se puede expresar de múltiples formas, usando diferentes materiales y aplicando diferentes técnicas; y......
Incitato2 – poemas de Dana Gelinas

Incitato – poemas de coyuntura

En esta ocasión presentamos un poema de la conocida autora Dana Gelinas. Su obra ha sido traducida en varios idiomas......
Momentos-poema Visual Portada

Momentos-Poema Visual

Entre la zozobra, el pánico escénico y la consternación, iniciamos nuestras actividades en español con un poema visual relativo a......
Felices Fiestas 2024

Lo mejor de 2024

Hola Cultura les desea buenas fiestas de fin de año. Les enviamos un gran abrazo, un sobre virtual con nuestros......
Relato de mujeres, reseña 1

Relatos de Mujeres, cuentos

De nuestra gustada sección: LEER DC, desde la cual promovemos la lectura entre la comunidad latina de Washington a través......
Tacos mexicanos 1

Tacos muchos

Me creerían si les dijera que hay más de 400 tipos de tacos en México, o más… sin exagerar. Además......
Pedro Páramo libro

El retorno de Pedro Páramo

Reseña de Pedro Páramo de Juan Rulfo...
Santa Cecilia Band 1

Santa Cecilia una banda para todos

El día 14 de noviembre del presente año “The State Theatre” (El Teatro del Estado) de la ciudad de Falls......