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Luis González Palma’s gorgeous, haunting photos up through June

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“Un Lugar Sin Reposo | A Place with No Rest”

GonzalezPfotoLuis González Palma opens a new solo show at that Art Museum of the Americas Thursday. González is a marvelous modernist photographer known for his use of symbolism and sepia tints to insinuate the innermost thoughts of his subjects. According to the Museum, which is an artistic branch of the Organization of American States, González was selected for the springtime show for ” the artist’s examination of personal and communal empowerment” — and  coincide with the OAS’ General Assembly meeting in Guatemala in June.

Luis Gonzáles Palma inaugura una nueva exposición en el Museo de las Américas este jueves. Fotografías de gran formato donde lo mágico combina con el simbolismo de un pueblo como es el guatemalteco, tan lleno de misticismo y profundidad. Gonzales Palma tiene la gracia de capturar todo esto con el lente de su cámara. No se lo pierda.

Art Museum of the Americas
201 18th Street, NW