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Part of the graphic novel "Miles Morales: Stranger Tides," written by Justin Reynolds and illustrated by Pablo Leon

Miles Morales: El impacto y evolución de un fenómeno afrolatino de Marvel

*Read in English. A pesar de su popularidad entre el público, los superhéroes afroamericanos y latinos han sido poco utilizados.......
Bus stop on 16th St NW in D.C.'s Adams Morgan neighborhood (photo by HC staff)

Miles Morales: The impact and evolution of a Marvel Afro Latino phenomenon

*Leer en español. Despite their popularity with audiences, African American and Latino superheroes have been seen yet underutilized. But one......
Scene from "This Is Me…Now: A Love Story" starring Jennifer Lopez (courtesy of Amazon Prime)

Review: J-Lo’s new musical film is an ode to self-love

Whether you know her as Jennifer Lopez, J-Lo or “Jenny from the Block,” you’d have to be living under a......
El Conde, filme de Pablo Larrain 1

El Conde en blanco y negro

Reseña del filme "El Conde" de 2023...
gala film festival 2023

Concluye ciclo de filmes en GALA

“Víctimas del pecado”. Gala film festival 2023...
Hannah Müssemann - Artistas in the Capital

How telenovelas influence us and our collective memory

The telenovela is “a Latin American cultural phenomenon,” says German-Latina researcher Hannah Müssemann, that reaches entire households worldwide, winning over......
Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades2

Bardo: realismo mágico visual

Reseña de cine: Bardo, falsa crónica de unas cuantas verdades...
“Belascoarán, PI” de Paco Ignacio Taibo

Detective de novela, nueva serie

“Belascoarán, PI” de Paco Ignacio Taibo...

Cantinflas en VHS y la mini-biblioteca

Peliculas de Cantinflas en VHS en la mini-biblioteca...
Publicity photos from telenovelas such as Netflix's Narcos

The telenovela and its influences on collective views of history

The telenovela has its origins in a type of radio show called a radionovela, used in Latin America in the......
Mayas de Guatemala

Cine etnográfico latinoamericano

En esta entrega algo de cine etnográfico; de acuerdo a los expertos es el cine de temas y/o en torno...
The Whisper of Silence movie's main character

Top picks for the Latin American Film Festival

Every fall the Latin American Film Festival at the AFI Silver cinema in Silver Spring casts the limelight on celluloid......